Authentic NYC
Subway Token

Curatorial Card

The New York Transit Museum

The iconic New York City subway token and talisman of the city was first introduced in 1953. Over the next 50 years there were six different variations of the token designed and minted. Made of varying materials, but mainly solid brass, these became a well-known symbol of the bustling underground transit subway system known as the MTA. Just after midnight on April 13th, 2003 these symbolic tokens were phased out.

The subways’ renowned token is now a cherished memento of the ever-changing image of the Big Apple. Using re-polished authentic MTA tokens to create unique collectible jewelry, the CG Retro Metro Collection can inspire you to “Take the A Train” or celebrate going on the town...”where people ride in a hole in the ground.”

A portion of your purchase of an original Cynthia Gale art inspired design goes to The New York Transit Museum to support their educational mission.