
Curatorial Card

Belle Nouveau

The Belle Epoque and Art Nouveau: grand, ebullient, and lush…full of exquisite extravagance and bold fluid lines. Art Nouveau is one of the most influential art movements and philosophies that spanned architecture and the applied arts from the 1850’s to the early 1900’s and flourished during The Belle Epoque in France from 1881 to 1914. “Art Nouveau” is French for “new art”. Creative artists such as Gustav Klimt, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Alphonse Mucha, René Lalique, Antoni Gaudí and Louis Comfort Tiffany interpreted Art Nouveau in their own distinct manner. Belle Nouveau combines both the organic feel of the art movement with the golden age of French culture. A contemporary perspective utilizing charming bells, romantic butterflies and curving floral designs in sterling silver repousse and filigree commemorate this spectacular moment in history, a time of peace, prosperity, and a unique era of artistic freedom and creativity.