Giving Back to The Communities That Matter to Us
During a debilitating crisis like COVID-19, the mere act of getting out of bed in the morning can present a unique challenge. It’s an important time to be particularly mindful of the positive light we can each bring to the world in our own unique way. On March 6th, just before COVID-19 surfaced as a dangerous, deadly virus, I had the good fortune to be invited by the UD Biden School to participate in their annual Women’s History Month Luncheon. Along with a group of impressive women who had each made their marks in their various careers, I served as an alumna mentor for a table of UD students with a Fashion Merchandising focus. Hip, intelligent young women- reminded me of my own college years at University of Delaware!

Eleni Assanis
The Women’s History Month Luncheon began with a brief video welcome from Eleni Assanis, First Lady of the University of Delaware.

Valerie Biden Owens
Valerie Biden Owens, sister of Joe Biden and fellow UD Alumna, followed and offered heartfelt words about the importance of women in business and the unique perspective they bring to the table. Alumnae mentors were then invited to share one, “take-away” piece of advice.
I offered a Calvin Coolidge quote that my now-deceased and much beloved father shared with me over 25 years ago when I started my own art-inspired, sterling silver jewelry company. The quote is pinned to my bulletin board and reminds me daily of the power of persistence:
Press On
Nothing In The World
Can Take The Place
Of Persistence.
Talent Will Not;
Nothing Is More Common
Than Unsuccessful Men With Talent.
Genius Will Not:
Unrewarded Genius Is Almost A Proverb.
Education Alone Will Not’
The World Is Full
Of Educated Derelicts.
Persistence And Determination Alone
Are Omnipotent.
I had the honor to present Valerie Biden Owens with a sterling silver, UD Legacy Ring ( which I designed exclusively for the University of Delaware. This special ring features a spinning component which is the catalyst for UD Legacy Traditions, whose sole purpose is to generate connectivity and collaboration between UD students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni and friends of the University. Being the fashionista that she is, Valerie was thrilled and I sensed that her enthusiasm was genuine. My instincts were correct when I received a lovely thank you note from her several days later. I have received many thank you notes in my day, but Valerie’s was truly authentic. She wrote, “Your jewelry accurately reflects your spirit, grace and pure force. I promise you I will wear my Legacy Ring with gratitude to both the University and to you.” How cool is that?!

Women’s History Month Luncheon
Valerie Biden Owens wasn’t the only one I had planned to gift a UD Legacy Ring to. Eleni Assanis, who was originally scheduled to attend and co-host the Luncheon in person, was unexpectedly called into an important meeting- I was sorry to miss her. The good news is that she will have a special surprise waiting for her at her UD office upon her return- Enjoy, Mrs. A!
University of Delaware Legacy Ring
A One Ring Program to Strengthen The Blue Hen Nation

NYC Health and Hospitals
As I’m sure many of you have all felt, as March progressed and my beloved Big Apple teetered on the COVID-19 edge, I wondered how Cynthia Gale New York could contribute in our own special way. We decided to run a fundraising campaign from April 1-15 where 20% of all sales would be donated to the NYC Health and Hospitals COVID-19 Relief Fund. Click here to learn more about the work of this amazing organization: Learn More

On April 17th, CGNY donated $400. to NYC H + H.
On April 17th, CGNY donated $400. To NYC H + H. A BIG shout-out to our customers who supported our efforts! When making our online donation, the fact that CGNY was added to over 7000 individual NYC H + H donations was not lost on me. I was reminded of my firm belief that:
If everyone gives a little bit, big things can happen.
Today we received a thank you note from New York City Health and Hospitals. It reconfirmed CGNY’s resolve that philanthropy is a critical part of our company’s DNA. Whether spending time mentoring UD students or coordinating a fundraising campaign in support of COVID-19, giving back to the communities that resonate with us is essential.
NYC Health and Hospitals
As I’m sure many of you have all felt, as March progressed and my beloved Big Apple teetered on the COVID-
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